Long Runs Of Copper Sulphide and Molybdenum Intersected At Alpala
MOUNT PEARL - Cornerstone Capital Resources Inc.reported visual observations from drill hole CSD-13-003 at the Alpala prospect within the Cascabel Project, the Company's copper-gold porphyry exploration project in northern Ecuador. Assays from this third drill hole have not yet been received. Highlights: Drill hole CSD-13-003 intersects 579m of visual copper-molybdenum mineralization from 111m to 690m; Newly discovered, variable molybdenum mineralization intersected in CSD-13-003 from 283 to 635m; Porphyry mineralization and quartz stockwork vein intensity increases down-hole in CSD-13-003 towards the interpreted porphyry core; Drill Hole CSD-13-003 terminated at 751.33m; Drill Hole CSD-13-004 commenced drilling on October 29th; Assays expected for top 252 m of Hole CSD-13-002 within days; Current drill program extended from the current 5-hole 2500 m program to a proposed 11 holes for a total of 6600 m; 3.9 square kilometer magnetic complex at Alpala identified with 5 main magnetic apophyses or broad cupolas coincident with Cu-Mo +/- Au soil anomalies; A 12 square kilometer ground-based 3D Induced Polarisation (IP) survey over the broader Alpala region is planned to further define the margins of the porphyry system and high-grade cores; Project fully funded to complete the proposed 11-hole drill program. "Brooke Macdonald, President & CEO, said, "The large size and intensity of the hydrothermal porphyry system(s) and associated copper and gold mineralization are being confirmed by drilling at significant depth. Gold and copper are present over large areas and occur in multiple rock units. The information generated so far allows us to adjust and refine our target models, and to define new exciting targets to be tested over the 3 by 1.5 km Alpala magnetic complex. Alpala is the most advanced but only one of the multiple porphyry targets developed on this 50 km property". The Alpala prospect comprises porphyry copper-gold mineralization outcropping in erosional gullies along the Alpala drainage system, where surface trenching has identified mineralized sheeted and stockwork quartz veins bearing the copper sulphide minerals chalcocite, covellite, bornite and chalcopyrite and associated gold mineralization. The area of out-cropping porphyry copper-gold mineralization at Alpala lies beneath a 2.5 km by 1.7 km zone of intense acid alteration at higher elevations on the northwest and southeast margins of the Alpala drainage system. This zone of acid alteration defines a 'lithocap' (acapping zone of acid clay and silica hydrothermal alteration that typically forms at shallow levels overlying porphyry copper-gold
deposits). The lithocap is centered over a regional magnetic-high anomaly, which defines the broader extent of the Alpala target, and is associated with widespread geochemical anomalism (copper, gold, molybdenum) in soil and rock chip samples.